Welcome! This page contains an organizing index to my spiritual teachings in various formats.

All new updates here are also posted to my blog, which contains my latest thoughts and teachings.

Visit and Subscribe to my Youtube Channel


My book, How to Find What Isn't Lost, presents my entire system for spiritual seekers in an organized, simple, and comprehensive format.

Spiritual Dialogues with Akilesh cover.png

This is a book of questions and answer exchanges I’ve had with seekers on a variety of topics that relate to nonduality. It’s best read after acquiring at least some basic knowledge of the spiritual search.

(read an excerpt)


Start Here: Fundamentals of the Spiritual Search

These videos give a good overview of my approach:

Self-Inquiry: Royal Road to Enlightenment

Interview with Awakening Together

Souljourns interview

Awakening together satsangs

This blog post also gives an overview of my approach.

The Ultimate Guide to Ramana Maharshi’s Self-Inquiry

A definitive manual to the most important spiritual technique for Self-realization. I expect to keep it updated with new questions and answers over time.

Recommended booklist

This is a list of what I consider to be the most important books for spiritual seekers based on my own journey. It will be updated from time to time.


The blog is a great place to read about my specific thoughts on various spiritual topics. Every critical update gets reflected there. Below are recent selections.

Video Blog Posts — see and subscribe to my Youtube channel for more updates

Audio Blog Posts

Written Blog Posts